展讯 | 阿波斯托洛斯·乔治亚:情景
Apostolos Georgiou: Situations



开幕:2018年3月10日 10:30 @ 额外空间

开幕与鸡尾酒会:2018年3月10日 16:00 @ 有空间

讲座:2018年3月10日 14:00 @ 设计互联 | 海上世界文化艺术中心 二楼公共教育空间

导览:2018年3月10日 16:30 @ 有空间









杨锋艺术与教育基金会2018年度展览《阿波斯托洛斯·乔治亚:情景》(Apostolos Georgiou: Situations)将于2018年3月10日于深圳“有空间”与“额外空间”双空间举办希腊艺术家阿波斯托洛斯·乔治亚在华首个展览,也是横跨艺术家创作生涯40年的中型回顾展。希腊艺术家阿波斯托洛斯·乔治亚40年来专注于绘画创作,离群索居,其作品创作灵感来源于对生活的观察,画作表现冲突、紧张或荒诞场景,充满内在张力。2017年,艺术家艺术家受邀参加第14届卡塞尔文献展,其作品受到国际广泛的瞩目,作品也获得希腊当代艺术美术馆和蓬皮杜美术馆等多家机构收藏。

本展特别邀请了资深艺评人、诗人与策展人巴里·史瓦伯斯基策划,展出超过30件,创作时间从1970年代至今的作品。策展人将展名定为“情景”(situations),此英文字词来源于拉丁语词根"situs",指的是此地、此处,但却不是由道具、演员所组成的戏剧场景,而是指活生生的人们与他们周遭生活所发的事情的现场。这也就带出“情景”一词让人耐人寻味的地方——活生生的人与场景,但是,每个人的心理状态却各自相异。在这里,策展人使用此词并强调的便是这种差异化极大,充满张力的景象,而这也是艺术家40年来不断捕捉与描画的“情景”。而对绘画作品当中“情景”里的作品图像叙事性,艺术家认为:“至于我作品中那些主角,’我’就是那些人物,但不只是我。这是一种讨论每个人的方式,因为我们跟其他任何人并没有什么不同,我们的需求,我们的恐惧… 我们谈论自己就是在谈论所有人。”


关于艺术家创作介绍和策展人对谈的讲座,将在2018年3月10日下午两点于设计互联 | 海上世界文化艺术中心举行。展览将持续到8月11日。








Curator: Barry Schwabsky

Duration: 10 Mar 2018 - 11 Aug 2018

Opening: 10:30, 10 Mar. 2018, EXTRA Space

Opening & Cocktail Party: 16:00, 10 Mar. 2018, YOU Space

Lecture: 14:00, 10 Mar. 2018, Education Studio, 2F, Design Society | The Sea World Culture and Arts Center

Guilded Tour: 16:30, 10 Mar. 2018 @ YOU Space

Host: Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation

Co-Host: Consulate General of Greece in Guangzhou 

Lecture Support: Design Society

Sponsor: BOCG, Youmi Finance


YOU Space-201, Building 2, Nanhai E-cool, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

EXTRA Space-No. 10, Xigu Garden Villa, Xichen, Baoan, Shenzhen, China 

Design Society-1187 Wanghai Road, Shekou, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China

Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation 2018 Exhibition Series presents "Situations: Apostolos Georgiou" on March 10, 2018 at You Space and Extra Space in Shenzhen. This exhibition marks the artist's premiere in China, a moderate scale retrospective of his 40 years of artistic practice. Over the past four decades, Apostolos Georgiou lived in reclusion to focus on painting and drawing, his works are inspired by everyday observations from life, replete of tension, these works depict the scenarios of conflict, anxiety or absurdity. In 2017, Georgiou was invited to participate in the 14th Documenta whose works had drawn attentions worldwide, of which many was acquired by Contemporary Art Museum of Greece, Centre Pompidou and other art institutions. 

Curated by the seasoned art critic, poet and curator Barry Schwabsky, this exhibition presents more than 30 works selected from 1970s to the present. The exhibition title, "Situations"does not suggest a theatrical scene consists of props and actors, but rather draws from its Latin root situs, referring to, here, this place, and the lively people and the scenes in the life around them. In other words, the term "Situations" affords much food for thoughts about: the lively people and scenarios, in spite of their disparate psyches. Here, by using this term, the curator emphasizes on the alienating scenarios that are full of tension, manifested in the "situations" that the artist has been capturing and depicting over the last 40 years. In addition, with regards to the iconographic narrative in these paintings of "situations", the artist believes, "As for the protagonists of my work, the figures are me. But it's not only me. It's a way of talking about everybody because I am no different from anybody else, with my needs, with my fears… Talking about yourself you talk about the All."

Frank F. Yang, the founder of the Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation states, "I am fascinated by artist Apostolos Georgiou's works and moved by his focus and spirit for the practice of painting over the last four decades. We are delighted to collaborate with the artist, and to host this moderate retrospective exhibition. We hope viewers in China, and across Asia, would have the opportunity to have an in-depth understanding and appreciation of his works."

Lecture about the artist's practice and a conversation with the curator will be held at 2 p.m. at Design Society, on March 10, 2018, at Ocean Park Culture and Art Center. The exhibition continues to August 11, 2018.