Extension of exhibition Announcement




本次年度展聚焦不断变化的收藏行为本质,探讨私人力量逐渐渗入公共领域后产生的新变化。其中参与展览的三位艺术家Joyce Ho, Lee Kit和李燎受策展人之邀,以“主人”的角色,与策展人一同以基金会藏品为大背景发展出一个全新的展览。此次展览也是2017年“深广艺术行”的重要一站。


参观时间: 周一至周五,早上10点-下午6点

预约及查询: Ying.cao@fyfoundation.com





Extension of exhibition Announcement

Everything You Need to Know about FY Foundation: An Exhibition will be extended until July 31, 2017

As the annual exhibition of Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation (FY Foundation) Everything You Need to Know about FY Foundation: An Exhibition has been well received by the audience since the opening, FY Foundation announces this exhibition will be extended until July 31, 2017. Welcome to visit!

The exhibition focuses on the ever-changing nature of collecting, delving into and unpacking what happens when a private gesture leaks into the public realm. Three artists including Joyce Ho, Lee Kit and Li Liao work closely with the curator. They act as the role of the host to develop a new exhibition within its overall format on the collections. This exhibition is also part of crucial destination of “SZ x GZ Art Tour 2017”.

During the extension period, Free Guided Tour will be continued open for registration, our professional docents will introduce special contemporary art pieces among our exhibition.

Opening Hour: Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm

For registration and more info, please contact Ying.cao@fyfoundation.com