Micro-Curatorial Outreach Project – Announcement on Participants for the Emerging Curator Workshop

文|龙 云 

首届微征集项目展览“Reality Bytes” 于9月18日在南海意库有空间顺利开幕。作为微征集的延伸项目,杨锋艺术与教育基金会将于11月21-22日首次举办新锐策展人学术工作坊,从各地优秀的申请者中甄选出参与这次的活动人选,包括卞卡、陈子瀓、Salt Projects、王麟、王子云、吴天明、杨西、易鸿(以姓氏拼音顺序)。为此,工作坊特邀“微征集”评委,同时也是资深策展人的鲍栋和刘秀怡(Venus Lau)为活动主讲。鲍栋表示这次活动的报名者质量很高,都已有策展性思考和实践,有的实际上已经非常成系统了,可以深入研讨进一步的策展议题。


卞卡:曾任北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心展览部经理,现任现任当代唐人北京展览部主管,《 典藏 . 今艺术 》杂志撰稿人。策划展览包括“事件笔记”,“现实或者主义”,“内观:个体的经济化”(中方策展) 等。

陈子瀓:毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁学院,曾任职于国际画廊,包括汉雅轩和Rossi & Rossi Hong Kong and Yallay Gallery。现为独立策展人,关注香港艺术家的生态与发展。策划展览包括2016年光州双年展,上海A+ Contemporary“鲛人之泪”,香港百尺公园“同形异位”、“不落言荃”等。

Salt Projects是富源和韩馨逸于2016年在北京创建的策划工作室。富源为艺术评论人与策展人,研究领域为现当代艺术,尤其关注表演和身份问题。文章曾见之于《ArtForum》、《Asia Art Pacific》和《艺术界》等专业艺术媒体。韩馨逸现就职于华宇集团文化创意部,曾参与第九届上海双年展“重新发电”以及深圳OCT展览“关于某物的报告”等。


王子云:曾在重庆501序空间,星汇当代美术馆等机构从事展览策划,研究等相关工作,于2016年8月在重庆发起并创办灰空间(Chaos Art Space)。从2013年至今参与焦兴涛发起的“羊磴艺术计划”在地艺术实践项目并承担文献整理,批评写作等相关事务。主要从事本雅明思想、参与式艺术研究,展览实践、艺术史与批评写作。并有文章发表于《当代美术家》、《艺术当代》等刊物。

吴天明:为策划人和艺术家。2012 年开始先后任职于广州红砖厂、广州方所等机构, 负责展览策划。现供为广州 K11 美术馆部高级主任和黄边站当代艺术研究中心成员。展览策划包括广州方所《在回望与重塑之间-2016年度主题展》、成都方所《你的表情就是我的符号:刘庆元作品展》 和广州红砖厂《中国,古巴和我》摄影展等。

杨西:毕业于西安美术学院史论系,现为独立策展人。执行策划OCAT西安馆“碎现实”、“西安角项目”,西安当代美术馆“计划外计划”,DOU艺术中心“在歇斯底里之外”等系列展览项目。出版包括《重读修军》(合著)河北教育出版社与《故宫画谱·水族卷》 故宫出版社。他的文章曾发表于《今日版画》《看艺术》等艺术杂志。

易鸿:艺术评论及独立策展人 ,美国ARTFORUM(艺术论坛)特约艺评拟稿人, 同时与国内多家艺术媒体及艺术机构合作艺术实验项目,参与国内国际艺术节艺术策展及研讨会,开展个人影像艺术调研项目并发表相关文章,还进行插画、影像等艺术创作,毕业于中国人民大学工商管理专业,A01空间合作策展人 , 《AXD空间艺术》杂志艺术版主编。


南海意库有空间现正展出微征集项目获胜者Goedele Bartholomeeusen(比利时)“Reality Bytes”。策展人聚焦新一代艺术家对网络议题与当代艺术系统的回应,讨论“何为之现实”、“现实是否比虚拟更为现实”等一系列紧贴时代的选题。展览将持续开放至11月26日,欢迎大家前来观展。

Text | Ariadne Long    Translation | Fiona He

The first Micro-curatorial project “Reality Bytes” opened successfully at Nanhai E-cool space on September 18, 2016. As an extended project, Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation will host the first Emerging Curators Academic Workshop from November 21-22. The foundation have selected the participants from all the outstanding applicants through the open-call. They are, Bian Ka, Chen Zicheng, Salt Projects, Wang Lin, Wang Ziyun, Wu Tianming, Yang Xi and Yi Hong (listed in alphabetical order). Hereby, the foundation have invited the jurors of “Micro-curatorial project”, two established curators, Mr. Bao Dong and Ms. Venus Lau for this workshop, who will be the key speakers of this event.  Mr. Bao Dong believes the applicants of this event have put a lot of thoughts on curating and are experienced in their practices, and many of them are very familiar with the system. We hope this event will provide an opportunity to further expand subjects on curating in depth.

The final 8 participants /group of this workshop are (listed in alphabetical order):

Bian Ka: Worked as head of exhibitions at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, is currently the head of exhibition at Tang Contemporary, Beijing, contributing writer for “Artco Monthly”. His curated projects include, “Event Notes”, “Realorism” and “Reinigungsgesellschaft” (Chinese curatorial team) and etc.

André Chan: Studied curator studies and East Asian studies in London and Toronto respectively. He has been worked in a number of international galleries and produced various exhibitions around the world. He is now working as an independent curator and writer with an emphasis in Hong Kong artists. His writings can be found in "City Magazine", "The Stand News" and "Tainan Arts News"(台南藝訊). His curatorial projects include, The 2016 Gwangju Biennale, “What Potions Have Drunk of Siren Tears” at A+ Contemporary, Shanghai, “Form Simultaneity”, “Songs without Words” and etc. at 100ft Park, Hong Kong.

Salt Projects: a curatorial studio founded by Fu Yuan and Han Xinyi in 2016, Beijing. Fu Yuan is an art critic and curator, researching in the field of modern and contemporary art, with a focus on performance and identity issues. Her writings can be found on Artforum, Art Asia Pacific and Leap magazine. Han Xinyi works at the creative department of Huayu Corp. who participated in the curation of The 9th Shanghai Biennale “Reactivation” and “What a Form - A Reportage” at OCT Shenzhen and etc.

Wang Lin: Worked as associate editor and managing editor of the artnew.com.cn of the Today Art Museum and cultural channel of people.com. He participated in projects such as, “The Image Expression in the Art Practice of New Generation” at the Xi’an Art Museum and “Social Reality Theatre” at UCCA, Beijing.

Wang Ziyun: Worked in curatorial and research projects at the Chongqing 501 Xu Space and Xinghui Contemporary Art Museum. In August 2016, he founded Chaos Art Space in Chongqing. From 2013 to now, he has been working on the archive, writing for the site-speicific project  “Yangdeng Art Project” launched by artist Jiao Yingqi. His works primarily focus on the thoughts of Walter Benjamin, participatory art research, experimental exhibition, art history and writing. And his writings are published on magazines such as, Contemporary Masters, Art China and etc.

Wu Tianming: A curator and an artist. In 2012, he curated projects at the Redtory Art District and Fangsuo Commune and other institutions in Guangzhou. Currently working as the supervisor of the Guangzhou K11 Art Museum and a member of the HB Station, a research center of contemporary art in Guagnzhou. His curated projects include, “Between Retrospection and Reshape – 2016 thematic exhibition” at Guangzhou Fangsuo Commune, “Your Expression is My Icon: Liu Qingyuan’s Works” in Chengdu Fangsuo Commune, and “China, Cuba and I: Photo Exhibition” at Redtory Art District, Guangzhou.

Yang Xi: Graduated from the Art and Theory Department of Xi’an Art Academy, is currently working as an independent curator. He curated and executed projects such as, “Fragmented Reality” at OCAT Xi’an, “Xi’an Showcase”, “Beyond the Play” at Xi’an Contemporary Art Museum, “Beyond Hysteria” at DOU Art Center and etc. His publications include “Xiu Jun-Reinterpreted” (co-author) published by the Hebei Education Publisher and “Paintings from the Forbidden City – Aquatics” published by the Forbidden City Publication. His writings can be found on Prints Today, No Art and etc.

Yi Hong: Art critic and independent curator, contributing writer for Artforum, who collaborates on art projects with various art media and art institutions in China, curates art festivals and participates in forums both in China and overseas. Interested in the research of film and video art projects and has published writings on this subject. Yi also works as an illustrator and maker of video art. A graduate from the Business school of People’s University, he is a co-curator of A01 space, editor of the art column of AXD Space Art.

The program is designed to provide learning opportunities mediated by guest speakers as well as an open platform for the participants to study and discuss notions on curating, allowing the members of this workshop to make intellectual inquiries, communicate and experiment with these outstanding curators up-close. The profiles of every participant will be archived in the Frank F. Yang Art and Education professional database, and the foundation will seek further opportunities for collaboration.  

The winner of the Micro-Curatorial Project, Goedele Bartholomeeusen’s (Belgium) exhibition, “Reality Bytes” is on view at You Space, Nanhai E-Cool.  The exhibition focuses on an array of issues on the new generation of artists’ response to the internet and the contemporary art system, discussing “What is reality”, “Is reality more real than fiction” and etc. This exhibition continues to November 26, and we welcome your visit.